Imagine a world where we acknowledge our "enoughness," where we don't settle for what doesn't feel good but instead focus on what truly brings us joy and build upon that foundation.
It's like allowing flowers to grow and blossom at their own pace, patiently nurturing them with care. This rhythm of life, sustained by patience and nurturance, becomes our guiding rhyme, bringing us closer and creating a unique ritual that honors the sacredness of our existence and connects us all.
Speaking of rhythm, I'm thrilled to announce the release of a spoken word piece I recorded this past year with DTO, a master composer and producer of sound experiences.
This is a piece born out of one ordinary Sunday morning.
You know those mornings when you grant yourself permission to simply be without the burden of expectations?
In those precious moments when I engage in my writing ritual because I genuinely love it, words flow through me, and magic happens.
This spoken word piece is my testament, a proclamation of belief. I believe in love; I believe in the power of connection. I wholeheartedly believe that we are enough, just as we are. In fact, connection is our protection, and community becomes our immunity.
To have “The Earth Speak” be in harmony with the sounds created by DTO an Award-Winning Musician, is awe inspiring and I am thrilled to share it with you and the world.
Together, all of us form a harmonious symphony where every being and everything has a unique song. Isn't it beautiful to contemplate?
So here it is, my love and communion with nature, manifested into this piece. I invite you to share it with those you know genuinely care as a reminder that each of us gets to be here, fully present and engaged, contributing to this extraordinary world by embracing our ordinary selves.
Let's celebrate the beauty of being authentic, finding solace in our truths, and supporting one another through the ebbs and flows of life.
We are all seekers, dreamers, and creators in our own right. And together, we can illuminate the path towards fulfillment and purpose, one step at a time.
Wishing you a fabulous day filled with moments of awe and inspiration.
always in love,